[cws-apps] Re: Remove app from Developer Dashboard
Paul Snyder
2014-05-31 16:17:28 UTC
Yes, this is messing me up. It seems I had to create an item with my
developer account before I could create a group. Now I want the item to be
managed by the group, not the developer account. I fear that someone will
mistakenly publish the one managed by the developer account, so I want to
remove it, but how? Using Daniel's workaround fails with a 403 showing in
the console. Any suggestions?
How do I delete an app from my Chrome Web Store Developer Dashbord?
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Scott Fujan
2014-05-31 16:56:52 UTC
Update the name of the app that you no longer care about to "This isn't the
app you're looking for"

Really, it makes sense to not allow deletion, but it would be nice if there
was a way to hide items that are no longer used.
Post by Paul Snyder
Yes, this is messing me up. It seems I had to create an item with my
developer account before I could create a group. Now I want the item to be
managed by the group, not the developer account. I fear that someone will
mistakenly publish the one managed by the developer account, so I want to
remove it, but how? Using Daniel's workaround fails with a 403 showing in
the console. Any suggestions?
How do I delete an app from my Chrome Web Store Developer Dashbord?
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2014-07-11 20:55:01 UTC
Agree. We cannot understand why Google's ear has always defects and get
difficulty in listening customers/partners' requirements even for so many
Doesn't Google understand that users are often use a product in users'
philosophy instead of Google's philosophy?
Google's nose become bigger and bigger and worse than Microsoft, who is
willing to listen and make correction at least . The worst thing is: There
is actually the malfunction Discard button, but Google still give an excuse
than this function is unnecessary.
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Tapash Majumder
2015-07-10 23:47:07 UTC
Wow I simply can't believe they refuse to provide such basic, common-sense
and needed functionality.

Now I have two versions of the same app sitting and I can't remove one.

Really really pathetic! Clearly someone doesn't care or does not
Post by Cicada
Agree. We cannot understand why Google's ear has always defects and get
difficulty in listening customers/partners' requirements even for so many
Doesn't Google understand that users are often use a product in users'
philosophy instead of Google's philosophy?
Google's nose become bigger and bigger and worse than Microsoft, who is
willing to listen and make correction at least . The worst thing is: There
is actually the malfunction Discard button, but Google still give an excuse
than this function is unnecessary.
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2014-07-11 20:26:50 UTC
Agree. We cannot understand why Google's ear has always defects and get
difficulty in listening customers/partners' requirements even for so many
Doesn't Google understand that users are often use a product in users'
philosophy instead of Google's philosophy?
Google's nose become bigger and bigger and worse than Microsoft, who is
willing to listen and make correction at least .
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Andrew St Clair
2015-07-14 03:20:12 UTC
OK, how about this for a reason to be able to delete extensions:
I am limited to 20 extensions and have met this limit, this now means that
I cannot upload any more extensions to the store without further issue. I
have about 5 extensions of which have never been published and I don't
intend on publishing.
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2015-07-14 04:30:00 UTC
Use the support link and ask to be able to upload more extensions.

Post by Andrew St Clair
I am limited to 20 extensions and have met this limit, this now means that
I cannot upload any more extensions to the store without further issue. I
have about 5 extensions of which have never been published and I don't
intend on publishing.
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lj sites
2015-08-26 04:54:13 UTC
this workaround seems to work, but it gives me an error.
google really should address this crap.
kudos to the one who dug through the code to find this out.

Ok..... I was being a little silly.
I mistook the ItemID for the name. That's where I was going wrong.
1: Go to the Developer Dashboard
2: Open the JS Console (Wrench Menu > Tools)
3: Under the 'Console' tab, type "cxDeleteItem('ItemID')
4: Press Enter, then Confirm in the popup window.
You can find the Item ID by looking at the URL, for example if
https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/fkpcfekghemjkdgnodkinnfbookfaapf?hl=en&gl=GB is
the URL, fkpcfekghemjkdgnodkinnfbookfaapf would be the Item ID.
Hope this helps anyone else who is stuck in the same predicament.
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Petko Georgiev
2015-08-29 08:48:57 UTC
If we can't delete extensions, at least allow us to hide them. It is really
annoying to have some testing extensions lingering around!
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Nathan McKaskle
2015-09-10 16:21:26 UTC
I agree with everyone here, this is ridiculous and annoying that I can't
delete my app from the dashboard. I mistakenly uploaded the same app twice
and now I can't delete the unpublished one. This should be added simply for
the fact that it's annoying and confusing and I'd rather not confuse other
people on my team either. It's also good to delete because we have the
right to pull our code off the cloud if we want. There are so many reasons
but we shouldn't even have to justify it. It's just common sense.
How do I delete an app from my Chrome Web Store Developer Dashbord?
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Mathieu Stephan
2015-10-26 23:24:57 UTC
Another person joining the "please allow us to delete apps" group.
Post by Nathan McKaskle
I agree with everyone here, this is ridiculous and annoying that I can't
delete my app from the dashboard. I mistakenly uploaded the same app twice
and now I can't delete the unpublished one. This should be added simply for
the fact that it's annoying and confusing and I'd rather not confuse other
people on my team either. It's also good to delete because we have the
right to pull our code off the cloud if we want. There are so many reasons
but we shouldn't even have to justify it. It's just common sense.
How do I delete an app from my Chrome Web Store Developer Dashbord?
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2016-01-27 12:06:36 UTC
I expected that it won't be possible to delete extensions from the
beginning (just intuition), so I named my extension properly before first
upload. Maybe the "delete functionality" should be accessible at least on
email request from the developer. Maybe there shouldn't be a button, but
the possibility to remove unpublished extension that always bug developer
when he logs in into the dashboard should be here somehow.
Post by Nathan McKaskle
I agree with everyone here, this is ridiculous and annoying that I can't
delete my app from the dashboard. I mistakenly uploaded the same app twice
and now I can't delete the unpublished one. This should be added simply for
the fact that it's annoying and confusing and I'd rather not confuse other
people on my team either. It's also good to delete because we have the
right to pull our code off the cloud if we want. There are so many reasons
but we shouldn't even have to justify it. It's just common sense.
How do I delete an app from my Chrome Web Store Developer Dashbord?
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Aditya Bhaskar
2016-01-27 14:31:57 UTC
Just wondering - couldn't you just upload a new version named,
say, "deleted extension - do no use", and remove all the code from minimum
required files.

Leave an empty shell with a warning in the name.

I agree deleting would be a better option, but this seems a decent



Tw: @adityabhaskar <http://twitter.com/adityabhaskar>
G+: google.com/+AdityaB
Wb: c306.net

*~ A prototype is worth a thousand meetings ~*
Post by qedisk
I expected that it won't be possible to delete extensions from the
beginning (just intuition), so I named my extension properly before first
upload. Maybe the "delete functionality" should be accessible at least on
email request from the developer. Maybe there shouldn't be a button, but
the possibility to remove unpublished extension that always bug developer
when he logs in into the dashboard should be here somehow.
Post by Nathan McKaskle
I agree with everyone here, this is ridiculous and annoying that I can't
delete my app from the dashboard. I mistakenly uploaded the same app twice
and now I can't delete the unpublished one. This should be added simply for
the fact that it's annoying and confusing and I'd rather not confuse other
people on my team either. It's also good to delete because we have the
right to pull our code off the cloud if we want. There are so many reasons
but we shouldn't even have to justify it. It's just common sense.
How do I delete an app from my Chrome Web Store Developer Dashbord?
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Mb: 07825510177
Tw: @adityabhaskar
Wb: c306.net
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Lukáš Mojžiš
2016-01-27 14:44:57 UTC
I just accidentaly started to read this thread, I'm not professional
extension developer. However, it must be terrible to always see your dead
extension in the developer dash. Something like a mummy or so. It has no
other reason to be useful except visual. But that might be changed with
TamperMonkey script, for those who are actively developing extensions.
Post by Aditya Bhaskar
Just wondering - couldn't you just upload a new version named,
say, "deleted extension - do no use", and remove all the code from minimum
required files.
Leave an empty shell with a warning in the name.
I agree deleting would be a better option, but this seems a decent
G+: google.com/+AdityaB
Wb: c306.net
*~ A prototype is worth a thousand meetings ~*
Post by qedisk
I expected that it won't be possible to delete extensions from the
beginning (just intuition), so I named my extension properly before first
upload. Maybe the "delete functionality" should be accessible at least on
email request from the developer. Maybe there shouldn't be a button, but
the possibility to remove unpublished extension that always bug developer
when he logs in into the dashboard should be here somehow.
Post by Nathan McKaskle
I agree with everyone here, this is ridiculous and annoying that I can't
delete my app from the dashboard. I mistakenly uploaded the same app twice
and now I can't delete the unpublished one. This should be added simply for
the fact that it's annoying and confusing and I'd rather not confuse other
people on my team either. It's also good to delete because we have the
right to pull our code off the cloud if we want. There are so many reasons
but we shouldn't even have to justify it. It's just common sense.
How do I delete an app from my Chrome Web Store Developer Dashbord?
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Mb: 07825510177
Wb: c306.net
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2016-02-27 21:58:01 UTC
Still no progress in six years for something so basic.

Major disappointment.
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Matt Cook
2016-02-29 17:15:42 UTC
Any progress on this? It's also a big potential problem not being able to
assign multiple or organization owners. We develop our application as a
company and tying the app to a single developer account is very
Hi folks,
We're definitely aware of this limitation and we'll address it in an
upcoming release of the store. The reason we had to disable "deleting" an
app for now is that there are ramifications and edge cases related to paid
apps, with effects that reach deep into other systems. Couldn't we just
allow "hiding" an app? Yes, and we'll enable soon - but the previous
implementation of "delete" wouldn't have worked at this point.
Our apologies for the inconvenience and clutter in the meantime,
Gregor Hochmuth *···* Product Manager, Chrome Web Store *··· *Google
In this specific case -
- You can convert it into a new app (when you want to create one).
- You can upload a new manifest with a different name to that entry, in
order to differentiate it more easily.
(I am not saying it is not a pain, I am just stating the ways to
overcome\improve the situation a little.)
Accidentally, we created a duplicate of one of our apps (by pressing
the wrong button). Now, that junk app sits on the _first_ page of the
Developer Dashboard. Never has been published and never will be - at
least, intentionally. But once again, we can accidentally push
_Every_ time we open the Developer Dashboard we go through this
process: we spot the junk app, we recall it is not a real app, we
recall not to publish it, we recall how to find the real app (another
page) - this process takes a lot of time and thinking in _total_ (over
time). That's too much of a punishment for a small mistake. This might
be also the case when someone creates tutorial apps.
So, yes, delete app IS a required feature, no matter if it just makes
it unvisible/"zombie". This is a usability feature _for developers_.
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Paul Canning
2016-03-01 09:20:27 UTC
I find hilarious that people argued that being able to delete an app was "a privilege" and non-essential.

Did they all forget that you can only have 20 apps on your account?

With a limit in place, of course you need a delete function!

Hoping this gets fixed ASAP.
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2016-03-01 09:26:20 UTC
I thought the limit is 20 published items. Am I wrong?

Post by Paul Canning
I find hilarious that people argued that being able to delete an app was
"a privilege" and non-essential.
Did they all forget that you can only have 20 apps on your account?
With a limit in place, of course you need a delete function!
Hoping this gets fixed ASAP.
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2016-03-01 09:27:17 UTC
Also, if you want to increase the limit, use the web store support form
that someone mentioned recently.

Post by PhistucK
I thought the limit is 20 published items. Am I wrong?
Post by Paul Canning
I find hilarious that people argued that being able to delete an app was
"a privilege" and non-essential.
Did they all forget that you can only have 20 apps on your account?
With a limit in place, of course you need a delete function!
Hoping this gets fixed ASAP.
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Steven Sanborn
2016-07-18 15:40:08 UTC
+1 on needing this
How do I delete an app from my Chrome Web Store Developer Dashbord?
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2016-08-15 06:34:26 UTC
Maybe it is the case that adding a delete "feature" takes longer than
developing the Apps Script platform itself, however, if it would be
acceptable to the Developers, maybe we can possibly explicitly warn the
user that publishing an application is the web equivalent of getting a
tattoo -- you can try to cover it up with stuff that screams, "look away",
but it's often better to avoid the initial insult.
Post by Steven Sanborn
+1 on needing this
How do I delete an app from my Chrome Web Store Developer Dashbord?
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jaco botha
2017-03-07 00:18:24 UTC
Any progress on this feature or has it just bees thrown under the rug in
the last 6 year?
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2017-05-20 03:59:58 UTC
圚 2010幎12月8日星期䞉 UTC+8䞋午10:57:36Gevik写道
How do I delete an app from my Chrome Web Store Developer Dashbord?
Same with the need here.

Firstly it is terrible to see dead apps lying on dashboard. Secondly there is a limit of the max number of apps. Finally if update with a terrible manifest is a considered solution, why not give a button here to solve the case.

By the way...I had a really BAD experience as a Chrome Web Store developer. Removal emails with nothing but "Please comply the policy" were flood to my mail-box, and I felt like talking to a bot when I reply to these guys. They kept repeating the words but never tell me what's actually wrong with my app. Obviously I gave only one star in the poll however I don't think Google will see this. And definitely I see no use discussing this topic here because Google don't care about developers' at all.
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Misc Mailer
2017-05-29 06:32:45 UTC
Please star it here


as feature request.
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2017-05-29 06:55:19 UTC
That issue was created in the wrong issue tracker. First, it is about Apps
Script and not about the Chrome Web Store. Second, crbug.com is the place
for Chrome Web Store issues.

Post by Misc Mailer
Please star it here
as feature request.
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2017-12-08 09:15:03 UTC
Now I can not install my extension to chrome until I pay 5$ for developer
account and then if they like it will approve extension, all users receive
"Extension file is corrupted"
Scam was, scam will be, scam will stay until fire destroy the scam
Google fuck of, you do not own the internet. Scam down!!!
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2018-02-07 06:20:05 UTC
Hahaha, 8 years, guys, 8 years.
Google so google.
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2018-05-06 06:59:28 UTC
I think I'm starting to understand why google cloud failed but AWS succeed.
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2018-05-06 07:01:16 UTC
I think I'm starting to understand why google cloud failed but AWS succeed.
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Shiva Angappan
2018-09-26 20:12:27 UTC
this is unbelievable. after 8 years a request was raised, we still can
not delete an app in draft that i uploaded by mistake.

Google this is a simple feature addition to improve the usability of
developer dashboard. PLEASE look into this and not wait for another 8
years. :)
Post by 毛安然
I think I'm starting to understand why google cloud failed but AWS succeed.
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Shiva Angappan
2018-09-26 20:13:26 UTC
his is unbelievable. after 8 years a request was raised, we still can not
delete an app in draft that i uploaded by mistake.

Google this is a simple feature addition to improve the usability of
developer dashboard. PLEASE look into this and not wait for another 8
years. :)
How do I delete an app from my Chrome Web Store Developer Dashbord?
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