[cws-apps] Can not find my extension by chrome store search
2014-09-10 07:59:48 UTC
Hi Google Chrome Champs,

I have just published my extension and maybe I am the only one in 2014, but
I cannot find my app through Google Web Store search. Please help.

My Extension's direct link -

What did I do wrong ?

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2014-09-10 08:01:07 UTC
Hi Google Chrome Champs,

I have just published my extension and maybe I am the only one in 2014, but
I cannot find my app through Google Web Store search. Please help.

My Extension's direct link -

What did I do wrong ?

We had establish our extension app on the chrome web store, and every
thing seems doing good.
But, there are sill something wrong....I can not find the app by the
I can find my extension app by direct link.
But, when I search it by the app name, the search result is empty.
It has been established several days, and the search in the chrome web
store still can't find it.
Did I miss anything?
Aaron Liu
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Corstiaan Hesselink
2014-11-12 19:51:00 UTC
Hi Joe,

Does this still happen? I am having the same
issue. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/reflect-for-evernote/dejjklgjbjnenhplklkeokgnmnlemced

Would appreciatie some assistance :-)

We had establish our extension app on the chrome web store, and every
thing seems doing good.
But, there are sill something wrong....I can not find the app by the
I can find my extension app by direct link.
But, when I search it by the app name, the search result is empty.
It has been established several days, and the search in the chrome web
store still can't find it.
Did I miss anything?
Aaron Liu
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Chromium Apps" group.
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For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/d/optout.
Corstiaan Hesselink
2014-11-12 19:52:32 UTC
Hi Joe,

Does this still happen? I am having the same issue.

Would appreciatie some assistance :-)

Shows up in search for me.
I also have the same problem. A word for word search of my extension
It seems that i have the same problem. Can't find my extension via
Search function
Joe Marini
Developer Advocate / Chrome Apps, Extensions, Web Store
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Mingwan Wang
2014-11-13 04:35:13 UTC

My extension has the same problem, I have been waiting for days. So I think
I need some help.

Thank you,
Shows up in search for me.
I also have the same problem. A word for word search of my extension
It seems that i have the same problem. Can't find my extension via
Search function
Joe Marini
Developer Advocate / Chrome Apps, Extensions, Web Store
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Frank Kane
2014-11-22 18:17:36 UTC
Same issue here for my extension, "Comment Killer":


Published it about a week ago, but even searching for it by the extension's
title yields no results in the app store or in Google search. Please index
my extension.
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yu zhou
2014-12-02 18:12:53 UTC
Hi, Joe,

We have the same problem here:
Can you please take a look?


We're looking into it. The CWS team was at an offsite the last few days so
there's bit of a delay, sorry.
We had establish our extension app on the chrome web store, and every
thing seems doing good.
But, there are sill something wrong....I can not find the app by the
I can find my extension app by direct link.
But, when I search it by the app name, the search result is empty.
It has been established several days, and the search in the chrome web
store still can't find it.
Did I miss anything?
Aaron Liu
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"Chromium Apps" group.
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Sergey Isterin
2015-01-22 14:37:34 UTC

Same issue here for my extension:

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Joe Kleinschmidt
2015-01-23 02:30:40 UTC
We're running into the same problem for our
extension: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/obindo-for-gmail/gmjlcfckhmkjhebajbahaekdpoiacfof

Posted it but doesn't appear. Tried to republish a couple of times but
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Dustin Mapson
2015-03-16 20:15:19 UTC
Does it take a particular amount of time for a chrome web app to show up in
the store? I added mine this weekend and can't find it on search.
We had establish our extension app on the chrome web store, and every
thing seems doing good.
But, there are sill something wrong....I can not find the app by the
I can find my extension app by direct link.
But, when I search it by the app name, the search result is empty.
It has been established several days, and the search in the chrome web
store still can't find it.
Did I miss anything?
Aaron Liu
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Chromium Apps" group.
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eSlip Invoicing
2015-03-17 10:36:00 UTC
I have the same issue with my public Chrome extension "TabCapture Screen
Sharing" that I added a few days ago: it doesn't show up when I search for
any of these terms...

I can only access it directly via the directly
link: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/tabcapture-screen-sharing/bbomkcceloahplddlomiplndghcallim

We had establish our extension app on the chrome web store, and every
thing seems doing good.
But, there are sill something wrong....I can not find the app by the
I can find my extension app by direct link.
But, when I search it by the app name, the search result is empty.
It has been established several days, and the search in the chrome web
store still can't find it.
Did I miss anything?
Aaron Liu
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Inez Vasquez
2015-03-21 16:08:16 UTC
Post by eSlip Invoicing
I have the same issue with my public Chrome extension "TabCapture Screen
Sharing" that I added a few days ago: it doesn't show up when I search for
any of these terms...
We had establish our extension app on the chrome web store, and every
thing seems doing good.
But, there are sill something wrong....I can not find the app by the
I can find my extension app by direct link.
But, when I search it by the app name, the search result is empty.
It has been established several days, and the search in the chrome web
store still can't find it.
Did I miss anything?
Aaron Liu
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"Chromium Apps" group.
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Jake Stief
2015-03-24 16:30:54 UTC
Hi Joe,

I am having the same issue. I have a brand new app (last 2 days), Fitset,
but I can't seem to find it in the search. Cheers,

- Jake
Thanks, I can find it by search now.
doguluskaienæ–Œ 2012幎7月23日星期䞀UTC+8䞋午1時40分22秒寫道
I still can not find it by search....
Joe Mariniæ–Œ 2012幎7月20日星期五UTC+8䞊午11時33分41秒寫道
We're looking into it. The CWS team was at an offsite the last few days
so there's bit of a delay, sorry.
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"Chromium Apps" group.
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Type Override
2015-05-19 13:34:24 UTC
Same. But it is not a extension.. i think. Android App -> ARC Welder ->

Its published but not visible in the store. Only over the direct-link.
Whats the probleme here?
We had establish our extension app on the chrome web store, and every
thing seems doing good.
But, there are sill something wrong....I can not find the app by the
I can find my extension app by direct link.
But, when I search it by the app name, the search result is empty.
It has been established several days, and the search in the chrome web
store still can't find it.
Did I miss anything?
Aaron Liu
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Chromium Apps" group.
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2015-05-19 13:46:00 UTC
This should really be in its own thread...
What device are you using to access the store? I think only Chrome OS
devices will see Android based applications.
(If you are not using Chrome OS, try changing your user agent to one of
Chrome OS and see if the application suddenly shows up. If it does, this is
by design)

Post by Type Override
Same. But it is not a extension.. i think. Android App -> ARC Welder ->
Its published but not visible in the store. Only over the direct-link.
Whats the probleme here?
We had establish our extension app on the chrome web store, and every
thing seems doing good.
But, there are sill something wrong....I can not find the app by the
I can find my extension app by direct link.
But, when I search it by the app name, the search result is empty.
It has been established several days, and the search in the chrome web
store still can't find it.
Did I miss anything?
Aaron Liu
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"Chromium Apps" group.
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Dinu Chiriac
2015-05-19 18:00:24 UTC
same issue here:
We had establish our extension app on the chrome web store, and every
thing seems doing good.
But, there are sill something wrong....I can not find the app by the
I can find my extension app by direct link.
But, when I search it by the app name, the search result is empty.
It has been established several days, and the search in the chrome web
store still can't find it.
Did I miss anything?
Aaron Liu
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Chromium Apps" group.
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For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/d/optout.
Jordan Rushing
2015-06-03 15:51:23 UTC
I'm also having a problem with my extension that has been marked as public
for over a month now.

Jordan Rushing
We had establish our extension app on the chrome web store, and every
thing seems doing good.
But, there are sill something wrong....I can not find the app by the
I can find my extension app by direct link.
But, when I search it by the app name, the search result is empty.
It has been established several days, and the search in the chrome web
store still can't find it.
Did I miss anything?
Aaron Liu
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Chromium Apps" group.
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Visit this group at http://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/group/chromium-apps/.
For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/d/optout.
Wyatt Benno
2015-06-14 07:11:35 UTC
I am having the same problem...
Post by Jordan Rushing
I'm also having a problem with my extension that has been marked as public
for over a month now.
Jordan Rushing
We had establish our extension app on the chrome web store, and every
thing seems doing good.
But, there are sill something wrong....I can not find the app by the
I can find my extension app by direct link.
But, when I search it by the app name, the search result is empty.
It has been established several days, and the search in the chrome web
store still can't find it.
Did I miss anything?
Aaron Liu
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Chromium Apps" group.
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For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/d/optout.
Inês Martins
2015-07-01 13:15:45 UTC

I seem to be having the same issue:
We had establish our extension app on the chrome web store, and every
thing seems doing good.
But, there are sill something wrong....I can not find the app by the
I can find my extension app by direct link.
But, when I search it by the app name, the search result is empty.
It has been established several days, and the search in the chrome web
store still can't find it.
Did I miss anything?
Aaron Liu
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Chromium Apps" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to chromium-apps+***@chromium.org.
To post to this group, send email to chromium-***@chromium.org.
Visit this group at http://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/group/chromium-apps/.
For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/d/optout.
2015-07-23 15:08:32 UTC
Hello, we have same problem:
I can find my extension app by link.
But, when I search it, the result is empty.
We had establish our extension app on the chrome web store, and every
thing seems doing good.
But, there are sill something wrong....I can not find the app by the
I can find my extension app by direct link.
But, when I search it by the app name, the search result is empty.
It has been established several days, and the search in the chrome web
store still can't find it.
Did I miss anything?
Aaron Liu
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Chromium Apps" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to chromium-apps+***@chromium.org.
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Visit this group at http://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/group/chromium-apps/.
For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/d/optout.
Cathy Shao
2015-07-31 02:31:40 UTC
Hi Joe,

Same problem here~

Thanks for you help! :)
Check again within a few hours. I think I've fixed it.
Hi, we're having the same problem. I cannot find my published app
(instaGrok) in the app store when I search.
We had establish our extension app on the chrome web store, and every
thing seems doing good.
But, there are sill something wrong....I can not find the app by the
I can find my extension app by direct link.
But, when I search it by the app name, the search result is empty.
It has been established several days, and the search in the chrome web
store still can't find it.
Did I miss anything?
Aaron Liu
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"Chromium Apps" group.
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Joe Marini
Developer Advocate / Chrome
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Benjamin Schäfer
2015-09-23 18:55:11 UTC
I created (and payed) my first chrome extension and uploaded it.
So far so good. I find the extension with the link:

But if I search for:

I don't find my extension. What do I have to do, so that my extension is
listed / found on the search?!

Thanks for your help. :-)
We're looking into it. The CWS team was at an offsite the last few days so
there's bit of a delay, sorry.
We had establish our extension app on the chrome web store, and every
thing seems doing good.
But, there are sill something wrong....I can not find the app by the
I can find my extension app by direct link.
But, when I search it by the app name, the search result is empty.
It has been established several days, and the search in the chrome web
store still can't find it.
Did I miss anything?
Aaron Liu
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"Chromium Apps" group.
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Tarun Mittal
2015-10-02 08:08:26 UTC
Even i had payed and published an extension and I am not able to get my
extension from search.
I am getting my extension only through the link


Please help me out.

On Thursday, September 24, 2015 at 12:25:11 AM UTC+5:30, Benjamin SchÀfer
Post by Benjamin Schäfer
I created (and payed) my first chrome extension and uploaded it.
I don't find my extension. What do I have to do, so that my extension is
listed / found on the search?!
Thanks for your help. :-)
We're looking into it. The CWS team was at an offsite the last few days
so there's bit of a delay, sorry.
We had establish our extension app on the chrome web store, and every
thing seems doing good.
But, there are sill something wrong....I can not find the app by the
I can find my extension app by direct link.
But, when I search it by the app name, the search result is empty.
It has been established several days, and the search in the chrome web
store still can't find it.
Did I miss anything?
Aaron Liu
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
Groups "Chromium Apps" group.
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Mikula Beutl
2015-10-02 08:20:39 UTC
This is still the chrome apps forum and not extensions forum
Post by Tarun Mittal
Even i had payed and published an extension and I am not able to get my
extension from search.
I am getting my extension only through the link
Please help me out.
On Thursday, September 24, 2015 at 12:25:11 AM UTC+5:30, Benjamin SchÀfer
Post by Benjamin Schäfer
I created (and payed) my first chrome extension and uploaded it.
I don't find my extension. What do I have to do, so that my extension is
listed / found on the search?!
Thanks for your help. :-)
We're looking into it. The CWS team was at an offsite the last few days
so there's bit of a delay, sorry.
We had establish our extension app on the chrome web store, and every
thing seems doing good.
But, there are sill something wrong....I can not find the app by the
I can find my extension app by direct link.
But, when I search it by the app name, the search result is empty.
It has been established several days, and the search in the chrome web
store still can't find it.
Did I miss anything?
Aaron Liu
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Groups "Chromium Apps" group.
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For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/d/optout.
Tarun Mittal
2015-10-15 06:06:28 UTC
Hi, I am a newbie to chrome apps and extension. so I wrongly chosen the
Next time I will take care.
Post by Mikula Beutl
This is still the chrome apps forum and not extensions forum
Post by Tarun Mittal
Even i had payed and published an extension and I am not able to get my
extension from search.
I am getting my extension only through the link
Please help me out.
On Thursday, September 24, 2015 at 12:25:11 AM UTC+5:30, Benjamin SchÀfer
Post by Benjamin Schäfer
I created (and payed) my first chrome extension and uploaded it.
I don't find my extension. What do I have to do, so that my extension is
listed / found on the search?!
Thanks for your help. :-)
We're looking into it. The CWS team was at an offsite the last few days
so there's bit of a delay, sorry.
We had establish our extension app on the chrome web store, and every
thing seems doing good.
But, there are sill something wrong....I can not find the app by the
I can find my extension app by direct link.
But, when I search it by the app name, the search result is empty.
It has been established several days, and the search in the chrome web
store still can't find it.
Did I miss anything?
Aaron Liu
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Groups "Chromium Apps" group.
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Patrick Griffith
2015-11-21 20:47:42 UTC
I am reporting this issue for my extension as well.

It is not searchable by name or my name. I can only get to it with the
direct link in the developer tab.

Please fix it! thanks
Post by Tarun Mittal
Hi, I am a newbie to chrome apps and extension. so I wrongly chosen the
Next time I will take care.
Post by Mikula Beutl
This is still the chrome apps forum and not extensions forum
Post by Tarun Mittal
Even i had payed and published an extension and I am not able to get my
extension from search.
I am getting my extension only through the link
Please help me out.
On Thursday, September 24, 2015 at 12:25:11 AM UTC+5:30, Benjamin
Post by Benjamin Schäfer
I created (and payed) my first chrome extension and uploaded it.
I don't find my extension. What do I have to do, so that my extension
is listed / found on the search?!
Thanks for your help. :-)
We're looking into it. The CWS team was at an offsite the last few
days so there's bit of a delay, sorry.
We had establish our extension app on the chrome web store, and every
thing seems doing good.
But, there are sill something wrong....I can not find the app by the
I can find my extension app by direct link.
But, when I search it by the app name, the search result is empty.
It has been established several days, and the search in the chrome
web store still can't find it.
Did I miss anything?
Aaron Liu
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
Groups "Chromium Apps" group.
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Nikola Pavlovic
2015-11-21 23:12:27 UTC
It might be set to private, would you check that?
Post by Patrick Griffith
I am reporting this issue for my extension as well.
It is not searchable by name or my name. I can only get to it with the
direct link in the developer tab.
Please fix it! thanks
Post by Tarun Mittal
Hi, I am a newbie to chrome apps and extension. so I wrongly chosen the
Next time I will take care.
Post by Mikula Beutl
This is still the chrome apps forum and not extensions forum
Post by Tarun Mittal
Even i had payed and published an extension and I am not able to get
my extension from search.
I am getting my extension only through the link
Please help me out.
On Thursday, September 24, 2015 at 12:25:11 AM UTC+5:30, Benjamin
Post by Benjamin Schäfer
I created (and payed) my first chrome extension and uploaded it.
I don't find my extension. What do I have to do, so that my extension
is listed / found on the search?!
Thanks for your help. :-)
We're looking into it. The CWS team was at an offsite the last few
days so there's bit of a delay, sorry.
We had establish our extension app on the chrome web store, and
every thing seems doing good.
But, there are sill something wrong....I can not find the app by the
I can find my extension app by direct link.
But, when I search it by the app name, the search result is empty.
It has been established several days, and the search in the chrome
web store still can't find it.
Did I miss anything?
Aaron Liu
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
Groups "Chromium Apps" group.
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Patrick Griffith
2015-11-22 02:58:59 UTC
Nope its public.
Post by Nikola Pavlovic
It might be set to private, would you check that?
Post by Patrick Griffith
I am reporting this issue for my extension as well.
It is not searchable by name or my name. I can only get to it with the
direct link in the developer tab.
Please fix it! thanks
Post by Tarun Mittal
Hi, I am a newbie to chrome apps and extension. so I wrongly chosen the
Next time I will take care.
Post by Mikula Beutl
This is still the chrome apps forum and not extensions forum
Post by Tarun Mittal
Even i had payed and published an extension and I am not able to get
my extension from search.
I am getting my extension only through the link
Please help me out.
On Thursday, September 24, 2015 at 12:25:11 AM UTC+5:30, Benjamin
Post by Benjamin Schäfer
I created (and payed) my first chrome extension and uploaded it.
I don't find my extension. What do I have to do, so that my extension
is listed / found on the search?!
Thanks for your help. :-)
We're looking into it. The CWS team was at an offsite the last few
days so there's bit of a delay, sorry.
We had establish our extension app on the chrome web store, and
every thing seems doing good.
But, there are sill something wrong....I can not find the app by
the search.
I can find my extension app by direct link.
But, when I search it by the app name, the search result is empty.
It has been established several days, and the search in the chrome
web store still can't find it.
Did I miss anything?
Aaron Liu
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
Groups "Chromium Apps" group.
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For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/d/optout.
Chris Bolin
2016-02-05 14:40:23 UTC
Patrick - did you have any luck? I have the same issue with my extension
I've verified that it is Public, available in all regions, has screenshots,
icons, and promotional images. It's been up for a full week. What gives?
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Tarun Mittal
2015-10-02 18:39:26 UTC
Hey, thanks Rob.
After changing the version i was able to search.
Try making your version >=1.0
Post by Tarun Mittal
Even i had payed and published an extension and I am not able to get my
extension from search.
I am getting my extension only through the link
Please help me out.
On Thursday, September 24, 2015 at 12:25:11 AM UTC+5:30, Benjamin SchÀfer
Post by Benjamin Schäfer
I created (and payed) my first chrome extension and uploaded it.
I don't find my extension. What do I have to do, so that my extension is
listed / found on the search?!
Thanks for your help. :-)
We're looking into it. The CWS team was at an offsite the last few days
so there's bit of a delay, sorry.
We had establish our extension app on the chrome web store, and every
thing seems doing good.
But, there are sill something wrong....I can not find the app by the
I can find my extension app by direct link.
But, when I search it by the app name, the search result is empty.
It has been established several days, and the search in the chrome web
store still can't find it.
Did I miss anything?
Aaron Liu
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Groups "Chromium Apps" group.
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Barış Böyükbaş
2016-02-22 19:13:50 UTC
I am having the same problem.
This is my extension
I tried many times but no result.
Can someone please help me?
We had establish our extension app on the chrome web store, and every
thing seems doing good.
But, there are sill something wrong....I can not find the app by the
I can find my extension app by direct link.
But, when I search it by the app name, the search result is empty.
It has been established several days, and the search in the chrome web
store still can't find it.
Did I miss anything?
Aaron Liu
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Chromium-Apps-Announce" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to chromium-apps+***@chromium.org.
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Microsoft Apps
2016-03-09 17:21:46 UTC
We're having similar issue with our new extension. We made it public 2 days
ago and can't find it in the store (search or browse). Posting here in case
there's some manual process required by Google to make it available in
search and browse. Thanks!

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For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/d/optout.
Roman Shchekin
2016-03-16 12:36:27 UTC
The same issue for:
Please, help!
We had establish our extension app on the chrome web store, and every
thing seems doing good.
But, there are sill something wrong....I can not find the app by the
I can find my extension app by direct link.
But, when I search it by the app name, the search result is empty.
It has been established several days, and the search in the chrome web
store still can't find it.
Did I miss anything?
Aaron Liu
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Chromium-Apps-Announce" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to chromium-apps+***@chromium.org.
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For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/d/optout.
Jesus Velarde
2016-03-21 19:42:16 UTC
Same here, I recently made an extension and I can't even search it. Here is
the link,
We had establish our extension app on the chrome web store, and every
thing seems doing good.
But, there are sill something wrong....I can not find the app by the
I can find my extension app by direct link.
But, when I search it by the app name, the search result is empty.
It has been established several days, and the search in the chrome web
store still can't find it.
Did I miss anything?
Aaron Liu
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Chromium-Apps-Announce" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to chromium-apps+***@chromium.org.
To post to this group, send email to chromium-***@chromium.org.
Visit this group at https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/group/chromium-apps/.
For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/d/optout.
2016-05-06 21:50:04 UTC
I cannot search my extension. I just made it public. The website is
www.kuretysoft.com and the extension are Kurety password generator and
Kurety Encryption Decryption. Does anyone know what is going on?
We had establish our extension app on the chrome web store, and every
thing seems doing good.
But, there are sill something wrong....I can not find the app by the
I can find my extension app by direct link.
But, when I search it by the app name, the search result is empty.
It has been established several days, and the search in the chrome web
store still can't find it.
Did I miss anything?
Aaron Liu
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Chromium-Apps-Announce" group.
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For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/d/optout.
Hongtao Zhang
2016-07-01 17:50:59 UTC

i have the same problem with this
extension: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/iubclasshelper/gbckkehkkbjbgicjoiialkjfhflhhpgl
with searching keyword:iubclasshelper


圚 2012幎7月19日星期四 UTC-7䞋午8:33:41Joe Marini写道
We're looking into it. The CWS team was at an offsite the last few days so
there's bit of a delay, sorry.
We had establish our extension app on the chrome web store, and every
thing seems doing good.
But, there are sill something wrong....I can not find the app by the
I can find my extension app by direct link.
But, when I search it by the app name, the search result is empty.
It has been established several days, and the search in the chrome web
store still can't find it.
Did I miss anything?
Aaron Liu
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Chromium Apps" group.
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To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
For more options, visit this group at
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Visit this group at https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/group/chromium-apps/.
For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/d/optout.
Suresh Raju Pilli
2017-04-18 09:10:28 UTC
I am not able to view my extension .. it's been 2 days after publishing..
We had establish our extension app on the chrome web store, and every
thing seems doing good.
But, there are sill something wrong....I can not find the app by the
I can find my extension app by direct link.
But, when I search it by the app name, the search result is empty.
It has been established several days, and the search in the chrome web
store still can't find it.
Did I miss anything?
Aaron Liu
We had establish our extension app on the chrome web store, and every
thing seems doing good.
But, there are sill something wrong....I can not find the app by the
I can find my extension app by direct link.
But, when I search it by the app name, the search result is empty.
It has been established several days, and the search in the chrome web
store still can't find it.
Did I miss anything?
Aaron Liu
We had establish our extension app on the chrome web store, and every
thing seems doing good.
But, there are sill something wrong....I can not find the app by the
I can find my extension app by direct link.
But, when I search it by the app name, the search result is empty.
It has been established several days, and the search in the chrome web
store still can't find it.
Did I miss anything?
Aaron Liu
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Chromium-Apps-Announce" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to chromium-apps+***@chromium.org.
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For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/d/optout.
Billal dabe
2017-04-19 00:54:05 UTC
mine is not showing up in
search https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ultimate-sneaker-bot-auto/bkpidkmmgphcbjgcidkflpkgijomaepd?authuser=1
Check again within a few hours. I think I've fixed it.
Hi, we're having the same problem. I cannot find my published app
(instaGrok) in the app store when I search.
We had establish our extension app on the chrome web store, and every
thing seems doing good.
But, there are sill something wrong....I can not find the app by the
I can find my extension app by direct link.
But, when I search it by the app name, the search result is empty.
It has been established several days, and the search in the chrome web
store still can't find it.
Did I miss anything?
Aaron Liu
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Chromium Apps" group.
To view this discussion on the web visit
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For more options, visit this group at
Joe Marini
Developer Advocate / Chrome
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Selcuk Kekec
2017-04-28 14:06:50 UTC

i have the same issue with my published extension. Who is responsible for
these kinds of issues? Support?

It would be great if you can search for it and give me some feedback:


We had establish our extension app on the chrome web store, and every
thing seems doing good.
But, there are sill something wrong....I can not find the app by the
I can find my extension app by direct link.
But, when I search it by the app name, the search result is empty.
It has been established several days, and the search in the chrome web
store still can't find it.
Did I miss anything?
Aaron Liu
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Chromium-Apps-Announce" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to chromium-apps+***@chromium.org.
To post to this group, send email to chromium-***@chromium.org.
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For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/d/optout.
Steve Waring
2017-05-04 16:47:37 UTC
I am also having this problem.

Extension can be found by link
https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/partial-password/bfoopkkilihkjnhflgghboohppdbdjcp but
does not show up in searches.
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For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/d/optout.
Steve Waring
2017-05-08 17:00:18 UTC
It is showing now :)
Post by Steve Waring
I am also having this problem.
Extension can be found by link
https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/partial-password/bfoopkkilihkjnhflgghboohppdbdjcp but
does not show up in searches.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Chromium-Apps-Announce" group.
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For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/d/optout.
DavidGlutton Wang
2017-05-10 02:00:13 UTC
How do you fix it? I fall into the same problem

圚 2017幎5月8日星期䞀 UTC-7䞊午10:00:19Steve Waring写道
Post by Steve Waring
It is showing now :)
Post by Steve Waring
I am also having this problem.
Extension can be found by link
https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/partial-password/bfoopkkilihkjnhflgghboohppdbdjcp but
does not show up in searches.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Chromium-Apps-Announce" group.
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Visit this group at https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/group/chromium-apps/.
For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/d/optout.
Steve Waring
2017-05-10 18:24:02 UTC
I don't know. it just started showing after a few days.
Post by DavidGlutton Wang
How do you fix it? I fall into the same problem
圚 2017幎5月8日星期䞀 UTC-7䞊午10:00:19Steve Waring写道
Post by Steve Waring
It is showing now :)
Post by Steve Waring
I am also having this problem.
Extension can be found by link
https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/partial-password/bfoopkkilihkjnhflgghboohppdbdjcp but
does not show up in searches.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Chromium-Apps-Announce" group.
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For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/d/optout.
2017-09-06 06:14:58 UTC
I am also having this problem.

Extension can be found by
but does not show up in searches.
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Chantel Arnett
2017-09-08 20:47:25 UTC
Hi. :) I'm having the same issue. I can find my extension by direct link,
but cannot find it when searching. Is this thread still active? :)



We're looking into it. The CWS team was at an offsite the last few days so
there's bit of a delay, sorry.
We had establish our extension app on the chrome web store, and every
thing seems doing good.
But, there are sill something wrong....I can not find the app by the
I can find my extension app by direct link.
But, when I search it by the app name, the search result is empty.
It has been established several days, and the search in the chrome web
store still can't find it.
Did I miss anything?
Aaron Liu
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"Chromium Apps" group.
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Nerijus Oftas
2017-11-15 22:05:47 UTC

I have the same issue like everyone here.
My extension direct link is
here https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/cheetaho-image-compressio/miojipgicafajocanhhgagoplddmbdck?authuser=1
But I can not find the app by the search.
thanks for help.
We had establish our extension app on the chrome web store, and every
thing seems doing good.
But, there are sill something wrong....I can not find the app by the
I can find my extension app by direct link.
But, when I search it by the app name, the search result is empty.
It has been established several days, and the search in the chrome web
store still can't find it.
Did I miss anything?
Aaron Liu
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Chromium-Apps-Announce" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to chromium-apps+***@chromium.org.
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Visit this group at https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/group/chromium-apps/.
For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/d/optout.
Dmitry Skripunov
2017-11-25 14:15:44 UTC
Yes, I have same problem...
Maybe we have to wait a few days?

четверг, 16 МПября 2017 г., 1:05:47 UTC+3 пПльзПватель Nerijus Oftas
Post by Nerijus Oftas
I have the same issue like everyone here.
My extension direct link is here
But I can not find the app by the search.
thanks for help.
We had establish our extension app on the chrome web store, and every
thing seems doing good.
But, there are sill something wrong....I can not find the app by the
I can find my extension app by direct link.
But, when I search it by the app name, the search result is empty.
It has been established several days, and the search in the chrome web
store still can't find it.
Did I miss anything?
Aaron Liu
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Chromium-Apps-Announce" group.
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For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/d/optout.
Nerijus Oftas
2017-11-25 19:55:12 UTC
I am waiting few weeks. I can not understand why it do not appear in app
store search. I check the google search and my app is public in google
search. Very strange
Post by Dmitry Skripunov
Yes, I have same problem...
Maybe we have to wait a few days?
четверг, 16 МПября 2017 г., 1:05:47 UTC+3 пПльзПватель Nerijus Oftas
Post by Nerijus Oftas
I have the same issue like everyone here.
My extension direct link is here https://chrome.google.com
But I can not find the app by the search.
thanks for help.
We had establish our extension app on the chrome web store, and every
thing seems doing good.
But, there are sill something wrong....I can not find the app by the
I can find my extension app by direct link.
But, when I search it by the app name, the search result is empty.
It has been established several days, and the search in the chrome web
store still can't find it.
Did I miss anything?
Aaron Liu
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Chromium-Apps-Announce" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
Visit this group at https://groups.google.com/a/
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You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Chromium-Apps-Announce" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to chromium-apps+***@chromium.org.
To post to this group, send email to chromium-***@chromium.org.
Visit this group at https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/group/chromium-apps/.
For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/d/optout.
Dmitry Skripunov
2017-11-27 08:28:38 UTC
Guys, I see my extension in search now. Obvious, my problem was in other
reason or not was a problem at all and I needed wait....

суббПта, 25 МПября 2017 г., 22:55:24 UTC+3 пПльзПватель Nerijus Oftas
Post by Nerijus Oftas
I am waiting few weeks. I can not understand why it do not appear in app
store search. I check the google search and my app is public in google
search. Very strange
Post by Dmitry Skripunov
Yes, I have same problem...
Maybe we have to wait a few days?
четверг, 16 МПября 2017 г., 1:05:47 UTC+3 пПльзПватель Nerijus Oftas
Post by Nerijus Oftas
I have the same issue like everyone here.
My extension direct link is here
But I can not find the app by the search.
thanks for help.
We had establish our extension app on the chrome web store, and every
thing seems doing good.
But, there are sill something wrong....I can not find the app by the
I can find my extension app by direct link.
But, when I search it by the app name, the search result is empty.
It has been established several days, and the search in the chrome web
store still can't find it.
Did I miss anything?
Aaron Liu
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Chromium-Apps-Announce" group.
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Visit this group at
For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/d/optout
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To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to chromium-apps+***@chromium.org.
To post to this group, send email to chromium-***@chromium.org.
Visit this group at https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/group/chromium-apps/.
For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/d/optout.
Bülent Taymaz
2018-01-21 14:45:24 UTC
I'm having the same issue. I can find my extension by direct link, but
cannot find it when searching.

Direct link:
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2018-06-08 06:29:00 UTC

I am also having the same issue. Please help me to solve this.

I can find my extension app by direct link.


but, when i search with app name its empty. I can't find my app in chrome
web store.

Thanks & Regards,
We had establish our extension app on the chrome web store, and every
thing seems doing good.
But, there are sill something wrong....I can not find the app by the
I can find my extension app by direct link.
But, when I search it by the app name, the search result is empty.
It has been established several days, and the search in the chrome web
store still can't find it.
Did I miss anything?
Aaron Liu
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Chromium-Apps-Announce" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to chromium-apps+***@chromium.org.
To post to this group, send email to chromium-***@chromium.org.
Visit this group at https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/group/chromium-apps/.
For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/d/optout.
2018-06-28 03:29:31 UTC
Hi I published my Chrome Extension more than 1 month ago, but I still can't
find it in Google searches. Could you help
me: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/amazon-merchant-words-key/ghcojalblfbppkjhgpaelppgidbmpegk

We're looking into it. The CWS team was at an offsite the last few days so
there's bit of a delay, sorry.
We had establish our extension app on the chrome web store, and every
thing seems doing good.
But, there are sill something wrong....I can not find the app by the
I can find my extension app by direct link.
But, when I search it by the app name, the search result is empty.
It has been established several days, and the search in the chrome web
store still can't find it.
Did I miss anything?
Aaron Liu
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Chromium Apps" group.
To view this discussion on the web visit
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For more options, visit this group at
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For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/d/optout.
2018-08-14 05:05:08 UTC
I can download the extension directly from this link:

But if I try to search for it, whether by extension ID or by name, no

I need to load this via GPO and it doesn't work because Chrome isn't able
to find the extension in the store, even though it is in there.
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Visit this group at https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/group/chromium-apps/.
For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/d/optout.
Denis Baidak
2018-08-27 07:19:37 UTC
What could be the problem? I can not find my application
either https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/vk-hide-all-friends/fcaankdkammdjpeoliklodjbeiimopin
We had establish our extension app on the chrome web store, and every
thing seems doing good.
But, there are sill something wrong....I can not find the app by the
I can find my extension app by direct link.
But, when I search it by the app name, the search result is empty.
It has been established several days, and the search in the chrome web
store still can't find it.
Did I miss anything?
Aaron Liu
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Chromium-Apps-Announce" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to chromium-apps+***@chromium.org.
To post to this group, send email to chromium-***@chromium.org.
Visit this group at https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/group/chromium-apps/.
For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/d/optout.
Phillip-Juan Van Der Berg
2018-09-18 06:32:44 UTC
I'm having the same issue with 2 of our extensions.


Everything has been fine for over a year until this morning. They don't
display in the chrome store search results even though they are published
to the public, but can view them via the dashboard
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To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to chromium-apps+***@chromium.org.
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Visit this group at https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/group/chromium-apps/.
For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/d/optout.
2018-10-05 11:05:25 UTC
Here's a direct
link: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/salespath/gpnimaijbbdcdmdlacdmmahbhlnhhime?hl=en-GB&authuser=2

No results after 2-days in webstore search - Is there anything I am doing
wrong and can somebody please help me?
We had establish our extension app on the chrome web store, and every
thing seems doing good.
But, there are sill something wrong....I can not find the app by the
I can find my extension app by direct link.
But, when I search it by the app name, the search result is empty.
It has been established several days, and the search in the chrome web
store still can't find it.
Did I miss anything?
Aaron Liu
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Chromium-Apps-Announce" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to chromium-apps+***@chromium.org.
To post to this group, send email to chromium-***@chromium.org.
Visit this group at https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/group/chromium-apps/.
For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/d/optout.